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Panels of Values
St. Petersburg, FL – 04/2011

Over 150 kids (from Kindergartners to 10th graders) and several adults (parents and staff) from Temple Beth El in St. Petersburg, FL

Vitreous tiles, ceramic tiles, stained glass, glass beads, and glass gems on Wediboard (mini-squares of 5 sq. in.)

All tiles, classified by color, some cut in different shapes, ready to use.

Older kids were allowed to use glass nippers and cut their own tiles

The design: Stars of David. Six different background colors (for each of the six panels” Shalom, Tikun Olam, Torah, Tzedek, Kedusha, and Kavod)

Each group worked for about 45 minutes to set the tiles on their respective Star of David.

Mini squares of Wediboard with Stars of David with the same background color were prearranged and thinsetted onto larger Wedi panels for a total of 6 panels

Grouting done by Chromatile and wonderful volunteers (parents and staff)

Floating frames in black

Very special thanks to Shoshana Kroll and Jodi Mason from Temple Beth-El for their invaluable support, humor, and camaraderie.